Is something Fishy going on here?
While the store is well known (or I think that we are) for our hand and mouth selected, reasonably priced wines, fewer out there know that we carry a small variety of foodstuffs - or as some would say "gourmet food items". Primarily those have been some chocolates, olive oils, vinegars and not too much else.
Well, the distributor of Jcoco chocolates changed and when we received the new catalog my mouth started drooling. Hundreds of chocolates from scores of producers around the world, fish and sea products, bitters and a bit more.
Anyway, I had to bring in some new specialty chocolates from France, Utah and the UK (only a bit pricy given that I mark them up about 20% less than normal) and, even more fun, sardines and smoked mussels to accompany the anchovies we've been carrying since December.
It's going to be fun to have some interesting non-alcoholic delicacies on hand.
Anyway, if you think that all seems fishy, you're right!
