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20,000 and Counting

20,000 Of What?

(Hint: See the Pic)

As I was loading the dishwasher with glasses from last Saturday's Tasting I thought that I, and various family members, have loaded thousands of wine glasses over the years. In fact, those glasses killed one of our dishwashers a few years ago. Who knows when the replacement will give up the ghost. I do, however, know that my family wants to kill me every time they have to help load glasses. My best guestimate is that we've poured into twenty thousand-ish glasses over the course of what will soon be 7 years of existence. Now 20,000 served doesn't make us the McDonalds of wine but, quite honestly, we're fine with that. Still, that's a lot of people who have tried a lot wines over the course of hundreds of Saturday's and various other fundraising events and the odd weekday tasting. It also means that we've poured more than 1,500 different wines over that time. Perhaps a few of you have tried virtually all of them - if so we salute you for it ! Our first Wine Tasting, on Saturday May 21st, 2007 was quite exciting for me - perhaps less so for my son and wife who manned the register and generally helped out that day and on many Saturdays back then - and occasionally still do so. Hmm, do you sense a theme here? Anyway, that tasting of Bargain Wines from around the world (another theme) was followed by many more. Soon thereafter a Bastille Day Tasting on July 14th was attended by, GASP!, almost 50 people. That tasting told me that perhaps we should keep doing them! It sounds paranoid (welcome to the life of a small business owner) but I still wonder every week whether somebody will join us after we open our five or six wines. Thank goodness that somebody always has - although one Saturday it took over 45 minutes for anybody to materialize - hence the paranoia! So we have kept up the tradition and I would like to thank the thousands of you who have attended one or more of those tastings. I hope that you've had fun, enjoyed some of the wine and gone home happy - perhaps even with a bottle or two. Feel free to join us at another one soon (Pinots this Saturday!). We'll be very grateful that you came.

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