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Cannonau,Garnacha, Aragones ... It's all Grenache by another name.

Laziness Prevails?


You certainly have the right to assume that your local wine merchant is working busily away to supply you with delectable goodies at amazing prices now that the new year has started.

Are we doing that for you here in The Mine? Well, actually we are, but you may not know it by this email which is going to be short and to the point. That's because it needs to be finished up and sent out before the next vendor arrives to splash new wines for us to ponder as possibilities for the store entering 2014.

So let me just say that if you don't know Grenache, AKA Aragones, Garnacha, Cannonau, etc, you may want to come on down and sample it in many of its forms this Saturday from 2-5pm (just a buck as usual).

Grenache, a is one of the most planted grapes in the world (especially in Southern France and throughout Sparin) and yields grapes that are thin skinned and high in sugars. The resulting wine is relatively soft with a light spiciness and often somewhat high alcohol content (from those high sugar levels). It often is blended with Syrah and other varietals to add tannins, color and acidity but it can make very good wines on its own as well.

We'll bring it out in many examples of red wine from just the Grenache grape on Saturday as well as a Rose and a White.

Perhaps that last is cheating a bit but it is called Garnacha Blanca or Grenach Blanc for a reason - a close genetic relationship to its red cousin.

Come on down to see what its all about.

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